Corporate Responsibility
Because it matters to us
To make the perfect baseball cap, and go the extra mile, we have partnered with top notch factories. Our factories have passed multiple certifications and audits that allow them to produce products that the largest retailers in the country are proud to carry.
Our factories carry certifications from WRAP – Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production. This is the world’s largest independent certification program. They aim to promote safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing around the world.
In addition to WRAP, they are also accredited with BSCI and HIGG. BSCI stands for Business Social Compliance Initiative.
BCSI monitors and assesses workplace standards across the global supply chain to help ensure that all suppliers are treating workers ethically and legally.
HIGG holistically measures social and environmental impacts throughout the value chain. From materials to products, from factories to stores across energy, water and working conditions.
With such accreditations, we are proud to partner with factories who care.